
Common Snipe

Gallinago gallinago

扇尾沙锥(英文名:Common Snipe,学名:Gallinago gallinago),是鸻形目丘鹬科沙锥属的鸟类。英文直译为普通沙锥,台湾称田鹬。背部具黄褐色纵纹。在中国东北和西北新疆为夏候鸟,长江以南为冬候鸟。春季于3-4月,少数迟至5月上旬迁到东北繁殖地,秋季于8-9月离开繁殖地往南迁徙,少数迟至10月才往南迁。常成松散的小群迁飞。该物种的模式产地在瑞典。注意与针尾沙锥和大沙锥的辨识区别。

繁殖区: PAL : widespread low Arctic to temperate wetlands of Palearctic: Iceland to British Is., Scandinavia, France and Azores (n Macaronesia, nw of n Africa) e through n Russia to c Chukotskiy Pen., Kamchatka, Sea of Okhotsk and Commander Is. (se Russia); in s to n Kazakhstan, e Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan, Kashmir (nw Himalayas), n Mongolia and ne China
非繁殖区: s Europe, AF, OR : temperate to tropical wetlands of Eastern Hemisphere mainly n of Equator: British Is. to s Europe, Macaronesia (nw of n Africa), n Africa, wc to ec Africa, Middle East, c, s se Asia, e Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines, Taiwan, e China, Korean Pen. and c, s Japan









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